3.5 Oreo Paragraph

To See Again

RE = again            VISE = to see

By seeing your writing again, you can make it better! Look at your words to see where you can do the following to improve your writing:

1. Add

2. Subtract

3. Move

4. Change

Ask yourself:

–      Are my ideas in a logical order?

–      Does everything make sense?

–      Have I done everything I can to say things well?

–      Have I chosen the best words?

–      Do I have well-crafted sentences?

–      Do I start with a delicious introduction for a topic sentence? Do I attempt to engage the reader with an interesting and clear topic sentence?

–      Check over your rich creamy filling. Do I have clear supporting details and include examples or evidence from the text?

–      Have I put in enough interesting details and used evidence from the text?

–      How well does my final chocolatey crunch or a clincher sentence restate the main idea in a powerful new way?