3.7 Introducing Nonfiction Text Structures


This passage is about the history of pizza. It is organized in order of time - a sequence that is chronological.

Pizza is so old that its origins are not quite clear to historians, but the word pizza comes from the Latin verb pinsere, meaning to press.  It may also be related to the Greek word pitta.  In any event the word “pizza” was first documented in Italy in 997 AD.  Whatever they were eating back then, however, was quite different from the pizza that we know today.  Pizza as we know it could not really have been invented until sometime during the 16th century, when tomatoes were brought to Europe from America.  This was big, but in my opinion the greatest development in the history of pizza occurred in 1905, when pizza was first sold in America.  The rest, as they say, is history. 

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