4.7 "Show, Don't Tell" and Free Verse

Reading Free Verse Poems

What do you notice about how the poem is read?

  • The pauses are not at the end of the lines.
  • The pauses are directed by the punctuation: commas, semicolons, colon, and period.
  • Even though the poem is written in short lines, the lines do not tell the reader where to pause.

In poetry, the punctuation tells the reader how to read the poem.

The poem is in your Learning Guide under Read Aloud. Practise reading it aloud a few times.

  • Use the punctuation to guide your pauses. 
  • Expression and volume - Can you adjust your volume and tone of voice to show emotion and/or mood?
  • Clarity and Enunciation - Can you speak (articulate) clearly, with good pronunciation so each word can be understood?
  • Pace / Fluency – Can you speak smoothly and fluently, with few hesitations?

Before coming back to this online lesson, underline any phrases that “show” rather than tell. Then, return to this online lesson book.

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