4.11 The Drum Calls Softly

About The Author

The first poem in this lesson is actually a book written by two authors and illustrated by a famous artist. It is a book called, The Drum Calls Softly. Instead of reading it, you will watch and listen.

In this poem, you will hear about First Nation’s peoples’ relationship to land, known as Mother Earth, and see/hear how people gather and celebrate. Dancing and drumming are important traditions.

On March 23, 2010, this Canadian picture book for The Drum Calls Softly won a Canadian award and an award at a fair for children's books from around the world (the Bologna Children’s Book Fair). If you know the background of the authors and illustrator, you may understand why it is an important book for them to write. 

Shelley Williers (author)

  • a Cree poet (Cree is a large First Nation group traditionally from Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories)

David Bouchard (author)

  • a French Canadian Métis. (Metis means someone with First Nations and European ancestors)
  • a famous writer and poet
  • former school principal
  • musician
  • one-time candidate for Parliament