5.2 Persuasive Techniques

Facts & Repetition

Facts and Statistics

This is when the company offers statistics and facts. You have to be careful about information in commercials. Sometimes the expert is paid to be in the commercial, and other times it is just an actor dressed up as a doctor or dentist. Also, the statistics can be misleading.

For example, some toothpaste companies will claim three out of four dentists approve of their product. But what do they approve of? That it works to brush teeth? It does not mean it is the best. More details are needed about the actual "research" process as well.


Another technique is repeating a slogan or phrase over and over again.

E.g. It's fast! It's fun! It's free!

Our brains like patterns and patterns make an ad more memorable. (Notice how I threw in some alliteration to make it even more effective - fast, fun, free / make, more memorable!)

Watch this video for an example of repetition. Hint, they use rhyme.

What other add technique is also being used here?