5.5 Elements of Persuasion - Convincing Reasons

Appeal to the Heart

heartIf you want to get to people's hearts, include examples, scenarios, and anecdotes (another word for short stories) that appeal to their emotions.

E.g. When giving a speech about the importance of cancer research, include a story about how doctors have saved a child's life due to new technology.

E.g. When talking about the dangers of drinking and driving, describe a scene of a police officer telling parents their child has died in a car accident.

You can ask questions that are personal and appeal to the audience's emotions.

E.g. Are you living up to your full potential? Have you tapped into all that you can be?

E.g.  Have you ever had to worry about your water? Did you ever have to worry if it was clean enough? If you could get enough?

Use language that will evoke emotions.

E.g. Imagine if we could travel the universe in the blink of an eye. What planets would we see? What alien species would we find?

E.g. We live in a developed nation, but poverty still exists in Canada. Think of the homeless people living on our streets. Think of children that come to school with tummies that rumble because there is no food in their fridge or on their shelves. Think of what you can do to change this.