5.7 Positive Persuasive Letter

Love Letters

letterA 24-year-old woman named Hannah Brencher moved to New York after college and felt very lonely. To deal with her feelings, she took out a pen and started writing letters…to complete strangers.

She did not write about how sad she felt. She wrote happy letters saying how wonderful the other person was. She wrote messages about how terrific they were, even if no one else noticed. She told them to have a “bright day.”

Then she took her letters and dropped them off all over New York. She put them in library books, on café tables, on park benches, and on subway seats. It made her feel better to spread love. Not romantic love, but the love and kindness for fellow human beings.

Her idea spread… big time. Now there are more than 10,000 people from around the world who have joined in. She has a website called The World Needs More Love Letters. She continues to write love letters today.