1.3 Writer's Workshop: Short Stories

One of the most important parts of any story is the setting.

The setting describes:

The location of the story

  • in a small town in northern Canada, in the woods, on a distant planet, etc.

    The author usually describes the setting(s) in a story with lots of detail. This helps the reader really picture the scene.

The time of the story

  • a long time ago, today, 2050, etc

    The time when a story takes place affects many things. If the story were to take place in the early 1800s for instance, then everything the characters do, wear, say, and how they live must match the time period.

The mood or feeling of the story

  • is it a happy place? A sad place? A scary place?

    Authors carefully choose their settings in order to create a certain mood. For example, a story set in a haunted house on a dark, stormy night would be rather frightening. Another story set on a tropical island with a gentle breeze and waves lapping against the shore would be peaceful and relaxing. Skillful writers often take you through many different moods as they tell their story.

Example of "Setting"

Here is a passage from a sample short story. Notice how the location, time, and mood are developed in this passage.


The old barn is cool and cavernous. Its walls offer shelter to many creatures. Particles of straw and dust dance in the shafts of light that pierce the gentle gloom. Earthy smells drift by. In the distance a dusty road winds uphill through a tunnel of maple trees. The scent of lavender perfumes the air, and the early afternoon sun glitters on the wings of bees.

Can you identify the location, time, and mode?? Here are some ideas:


  • An old barn, probably out in the country somewhere. In the distance is a dusty road that winds through a tunnel of maple trees.


  • Early afternoon. It probably takes place in the summer (the scent of lavender and presence of bees hints at this).


  • Very peaceful and quiet.

Open your writer's notebook and complete 1.2 Setting.