5.1 Read: Independent Novel Study

5.4 Chapter Responses

As you read, you must complete 8 Chapter Reviews. You can decide when you choose to complete each of them. It should be roughly every 3-4 chapters depending on the number of chapters in your novel. The last 2 are blank templates. You get to choose which questions go in which space. Here is a list to choose from:

  1. Would this  book make  a good movie? TV show?  Why or  why not?
  2. If you could spend a day with one of the characters who would you pick and why?
  3. Would you like to live in world like that depicted  in the novel? Why or why not? 
  4. After reading this chapter I wonder....
  5. After reading the chapter I wish that....
  6. While reading this chapter I was surprised that...
  7. What  was the best decision one of the main characters made in the novel?
  8. Who is your  least favorite character and why?
  9. Describe one of the major themes from the novel.                                                             
  10. What song best represents this chapter?
  11. If you could trade places with a character for a day, who would you pick and why?
  12. What are the two main emotions that  someone felt during this chapter?  Why?
  13. What  have you learned about life and human nature  from this chapter?  This novel?
  14. What three words best describe a main character's behavior during this chapter? Why?
  15. Write a journal entry from the perspective of one of the characters.
  16. Write an obituary for one of the main characters-what would we remember most?
  17. What aspects of the main character's life most appeals to you? Does not appeal? Why?    
  18. What do you think the future looks like for one of the main characters?
  19. Would you recommend this book to a friend?  Why or why not?
  20. Do think that  the characters could/would fit in at your school? Why or why not?
  21. Do you think that the main character has any regrets?  What could he/she have done differently?

Open your Learning Guide to see 5.4 - Chapter Review Templates. As you read the novel complete each template.