This is a first-draft response and will be assessed as such.

The response is assessed holistically.


The six essay is superior, demonstrating an insightful understanding of the texts. The essay shows a sophisticated approach to synthesis, including pertinent  references. The writing style is effective and demonstrates skillful control of language. Despite its clarity and precision, the essay need not be error-free.


The five essay is proficient, demonstrating a clear understanding of the texts at an interpretive level.  The essay clearly synthesizes the concepts within the texts. References may be explicit or implicit and convincingly support the analysis. The writing is well organized and reflects a strong command of the conventions of language. Errors may be present, but are not distracting.


The four essay is competent. Understanding of the texts tends to be literal and superficial. Some synthesis is apparent. The essay may rely heavily on  paraphrasing. References are present and appropriate, but may be limited. The writing is organized and straightforward. Conventions of language are usually followed, but some errors are evident.


The three essay is barely adequate. Understanding of the texts may be partially flawed. An attempt at synthesis is evident. References to the texts are not clearly connected to a central idea or may be repetitive. The response may be underdeveloped. A sense of purpose may be evident, but errors can be distracting.


The two essay is inadequate. While there is an attempt to address the topic, understanding of the texts or the task may be seriously flawed. Reference to only one text does not constitute synthesis. The response may be seriously underdeveloped. Errors are recurring, distracting, and impede meaning.


The one essay is unacceptable. The essay does not meet the purpose of the task or may be too brief to address the topic. There is a serious lack of control in the writing.


The zero essay reflects a complete misunderstanding of the texts and/or the task, or is a restatement of the question.


A blank paper with no response given.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 June 2011, 2:05 PM