Basic Literary Analysis

There are some common questions answered in most literary essays:

1.  What is the subject of the literature? Address the general topic.

2.  What is the form of the literature? Is it a poem, short story, etc.?

3.  What is the mood or tone of the work? Identify the overall feeling the reader has when reading the work.  This is created by certain words or phrases that combine to give an overall impression of suspense, sarcasm, etc.

4.  Identify and explain the use of figurative language or techniques used? Quote examples of metaphors, persuasive techniques, etc. that are used and identify them as well as explaining what they add to creating the mood/tone or effect of the work. Do not write in generalities and vague explanations, be specific.

5.  What is the theme of the work?  Create a sentence, theme statement with a subject and verb, that states the message of the piece.  One word topics are not themes.

Last modified: Monday, 15 July 2013, 8:46 PM