3.1 Assignment - Global Thinking


  1. You have been invited to do an exchange to one of the following three countries - Sweden, South Korea, and Egypt. It is important in choosing a country while reflecting on your own country.

The work may be done in presentation form and should include the following:

  1. Geographic location
  2. Language
  3. Food
  4. National traditions
  5. Gestures & communication differences
  6. Etiquette - acceptable behaviours
  7. About dating, marriage
  8. What is the common dress for women? men?
  9. Plus something you personally found interesting.
Submit to Assignment - Global Thinking link in this section of the course to be uploaded for grading by your teacher.
Work will be assessed on the following rubric.


All events contain clear and relevant details explaining significant event.

4 points

Most events contain relevant details explaining significance of event.

3 points

Events contain some details explaining significance of event.

2 points

Events contain few details explaining significance of event.

1 point

Unacceptable. No effort.

0 points


Choice is extremely visually appealing. Choice is extremely neat, original, and color is used to significantly enhance overall appeal.

4 points

Choice is visually appealing. Choice is neat, original, and color is used to enhance overall appeal.

3 points

Choice is somewhat visually appealing. Choice is mostly neat, original, and color is somewhat used to enhance overall appeal.

2 points

Choice lacks visual appeal. Lacks neatness, originality, and color is not used to enhance overall appeal.

1 point

No effort in creativity.

0 points


Information is in chronological order. Clear explanation of transitions between events. Reader is not left with any questions.

4 points

Information is in chronological order. Explanation of transitions between events leaves reader with few questions.

3 points

Information is somewhat out of order. Weak explanation of transitions between events. Reader has difficulty understanding.

2 points

Information is out of order. Very limited explanation of transitions. Reader is not able to follow events in life map.

1 point

No organization.

0 points



No grammar or spelling errors.

4 points

Less than 2 grammar/spelling errors

3 points

2 - 4 grammar/spelling errors.

2 points

More than 4 grammar/spelling errors

1 point

Unacceptable. Too many errors.

0 points

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