3.1 Assignment - Global Thinking
- You have been invited to do an exchange to one of the following three countries - Sweden, South Korea, and Egypt. It is important in choosing a country while reflecting on your own country.
The work may be done in presentation form and should include the following:
- Geographic location
- Language
- Food
- National traditions
- Gestures & communication differences
- Etiquette - acceptable behaviours
- About dating, marriage
- What is the common dress for women? men?
- Plus something you personally found interesting.
Content |
All events contain clear and relevant details explaining significant event. 4 points |
Most events contain relevant details explaining significance of event. 3 points |
Events contain some details explaining significance of event. 2 points |
Events contain few details explaining significance of event. 1 point |
Unacceptable. No effort. 0 points |
Creativity |
Choice is extremely visually appealing. Choice is extremely neat, original, and color is used to significantly enhance overall appeal. 4 points |
Choice is visually appealing. Choice is neat, original, and color is used to enhance overall appeal. 3 points |
Choice is somewhat visually appealing. Choice is mostly neat, original, and color is somewhat used to enhance overall appeal. 2 points |
Choice lacks visual appeal. Lacks neatness, originality, and color is not used to enhance overall appeal. 1 point |
No effort in creativity. 0 points |
Organization |
Information is in chronological order. Clear explanation of transitions between events. Reader is not left with any questions. 4 points |
Information is in chronological order. Explanation of transitions between events leaves reader with few questions. 3 points |
Information is somewhat out of order. Weak explanation of transitions between events. Reader has difficulty understanding. 2 points |
Information is out of order. Very limited explanation of transitions. Reader is not able to follow events in life map. 1 point |
No organization. 0 points |
Grammar/ Spelling |
No grammar or spelling errors. 4 points |
Less than 2 grammar/spelling errors 3 points |
2 - 4 grammar/spelling errors. 2 points |
More than 4 grammar/spelling errors 1 point |
Unacceptable. Too many errors. 0 points |
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