2.3: The Holocaust
Before starting this course, you have been exposed to ideas about the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis before and during WWII. You may have read The Diary of Anne Frank. You may have watched famous movies dealing with the Holocaust such as Schindler’s List, The Pianist, or The Boy with the Striped Pajamas. Perhaps, you had read the graphic novel Maus. Even if you have not been exposed to the above, there are references to Nazis and the Holocaust in mainstream media.
Reflect on your former impressions and images of Adolph Hitler, the German Nazi Party, and the Holocaust that you have encountered in the media. How do your former ideas compare to what you have read in this course? What were the new ideas and facts that you learned about in the course?
Format your response in a few paragraphs. Though this can be informal, it should be full of images, ideas, and feelings. You will need to refer specifically to the course readings, images, and videos. You may choose to delve more deeply into the topic. A good website is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum site.
This will be marked out of 12 according to the rubric below.