Assignment - Experiences with Law

After reading the pages above that introduce you to the law, you know that you are interacting with the law all the time. The course states that the law regulates our social, economic and political activities "from birth to death."

Your assignment here is to think about all of the ways that Canadian law has regulated your life in the past 24 hours. Come up with at least three examples, preferably one each of the following: social, economic, and political. A social law might have to do with who you live with and how you are related to them. An economic law might refer to any money that you have either made or spent. A political law could involve legal rights that you possess such as the right to an education.

Comment on the reason for these laws - safety, morality, criminal, property, and so on. Explain whether you think these laws are good, bad or neutral.

Illustration Anson Law - Canadian Lawyer Magazine