2.4 Principles of Sentencing

For this assignment, you will be looking at a famous Canadian case that attracted a lot of attention due to its contentiousness, then you will determine how to apply the five principles of sentencing in this case.

Begin your assignment by reading the story from CBC below. There are some links within the story which you may read to give background to the case though you are not required to.

Former Hostage Joshua Boyle

Once you have read about this case, think about how the five principles of sentencing should be ranked according to their importance here. You might want to review the principles of sentencing in the course readings.

Open the worksheet below, where you will rank the importance of each of these principles to this particular case. You will need to provide evidence for your choices. You will then write a paragraph in which you explain your choices using the evidence that you cited.

Assignment 2.4 Worksheet

An interesting followup:

These charges were dismissed in 2019.  It is interesting to note that this case was the first case to test new rules governing how Canadian courts treat sexual assault complainants.