Unit 3 Project

For this assignment, you will be creating a pamphlet for newcomers to Canada regarding both employment law and tenancy law.

The scenario

As a university student who plans to enter the legal profession, you have started volunteering with Immigration Services. The first task that they give you is to create a pamphlet for refugees who have come to Canada and who are now looking for employment as well as places to live.

You have been told that the pamphlet will need to cover the most important points regarding employment law in Canada as well tenancy law.

Your task

Create an outline in which you write the following:

  • Introduction to Canadian civil law
  • three or four most important points about Canadian employment law that a newcomer to Canada should know
  • three or four most important points about Canadian tenancy law that a newcomer to Canada should know
  • Conclusion

You should go over the outline with your teacher before starting the good copy of the pamphlet.

Next, you will create what is called a tri-fold brochure or pamphlet. Because it has two folds, it allows for three narrow pages on each side of a piece of paper. When printed double-sided, it will have six narrow pages. Look at the template to your right which shows a template for a tri-fold brochure from Microsoft Word. This shows one side of a page, so you will create two pages like this. You can create your own layout or you can use a template from any word-processing program.

Your brochure will have a title page with an appropriate title and it will be broken into several sections, each with headers.

Keep in mind that you will need to keep the language of your brochure very simple and straightforward. Your audience will all be English language learners.

You will need to include images so that you communicate as much as possible through images and graphics.

You will include a section on useful websites. This will, in fact, be your bibliography.

Be sure to keep in touch with your teacher as you create this as there will likely be points of clarification.

This will be marked according to the project rubric.