Assignment - Fact Sheet

Your Task:

By completing the compatibility surveys you have selected three careers of potential interest to you. For this assignment select your one best choice. Present this information to your counsellor and/or parents/guardians, for further input to discuss if this career is a good fit.

To put all this information together do the following:

    1. Create an attractive fact sheet (think of it as an advertisement for the career) that includes the following information:
        • Title
        • Brief Description of the Career
        • High School Courses Required
        • Important skills required
        • Why you are suited for this career (results from compatibility survey fits here)?
        • Does the career result in a degree, diploma or certificate?
        • Why you feel you are suited to this career?
        • Where can you study for this career?
    2. Have your counsellor, mentor and/or parent/guardian sign your fact sheet.

    3. Upload the assignment with the signature for marking.


Use the "Fact Sheet" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.

Your assignment will be marked with the following rubric

Visual Appearance

  • Appeal
  • Diagram
  • Formatting

Fact sheet is very visually appealing.   Relevant diagrams are well placed and explained
A variety of formatting techniques are used effectively.
4 points

Fact sheet is visually appealing by using relevant diagrams and good use of formatting techniques.
3 points

Visual appeal could be improved by additional diagrams or use of formatting techniques.
2 points

Poor visual appeal; hard to read.
1 point

Lacks visual appeal. 
0 points

Clarity of Explanation

Concepts are well explained and easily understood.
4 points

Most concepts are well explained and easily understood.
3 points

Some concepts are unclear or incompletely explained.
2 points

Poor, incomplete explanations for several concepts.
1 point

0 points


Complete understanding and evaluation is present in the fact sheet.
4 points

Complete understanding of topic is done but lacks some detail.
3 points

Not all aspects of fact sheet are completed.
2 points

Level of evaluation of the facts is unclear or incompletely explained.
1 points

Fact sheet is incomplete.
0 points


  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Neatness

Fact sheet is neat, well organized and all spelling and grammar are correct.
4 points

Fact sheet is mainly neat and well-organized; few spelling and/or grammar errors.
3 points

Fact sheet is satisfactorily organized.  More than 4-5 spelling and/or grammar mistakes.
2 points

Fact sheet lacks organization.  More than 5 spelling and/or grammar errors.
1 point

0 points

Submit your responses to the questions in the online text box or attach a file to the assignment submission link.