Assignment - Red Flags

Red flags are warning signals that caution about possible dangers. Learning to detect the red flags in a relationship could help you determine when something is wrong, either in your own relationship or that of a friend.

What are some red flags or danger signs in an unhealthy relationship?  Emotional abuse, blaming, isolation, controlling behaviour, dishonesty, physical and sexual abuse are some examples of warnings or red flags.  Just as Canadians have the right to vote, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, a person has rights within a relationship.  Regardless of the nature of the relationship (friends, family members, romantic partners, married couple), a person has certain rights that must be respected.


Imagine that a friend tells you that he/she is in what might be an unhealthy relationship.  What three "red flags" would you tell this person to watch for?  Record the three red flags and identify three behaviours and three actions associated with each one.   A suggested format is shown below.

* Please note, tell your friend that they are not responsible for their partner's behviour. If you are concerned with this, please talk to your teacher.


Red Flag



gets upset if I make plans with my friends
gets upset if I talk to a member of the opposite sex calls me repeatedly throughout the day
wants to know where I am and who I am with all of the time


talk to the person and tell them how you feel
if the behaviour doesn't change then tell the person to go for help
if that doesn't work then end the relationship.


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