4.3 Spoken Word Poem

Be sure you have practiced your Spoken Word poem many times over a few days before you record it. A video recording is preferable. This could also be presented over Skype or face-to-face. (Note: You can work on lessons beyond this one for a few days while you practise this and get it ready to record.)

Assessment: 20 possible marks

Content: (  /8)

8 - WOW! Very engaging, meaningful, passionate, with a clear theme/purpose. Uses literary devices and imagery exceptionally well to enhance message. Exceeds expectations.

6 - GOOD! Fully meets expectations, attempts to engage, clear message, uses some literary devices and imagery.

4 - GETTING THERE! Minimally meets expectations

Gestures: (  /3)

3 - uses gestures effectively with impressive timing, gestures "match" the words and message

2 - uses gestures

1 - doesn't use many gestures

Expression / Volume / Clarity: (  /3)

3 - adjusts volume and tone of voice effective to show emotion and/or mood, words are clear and pronounced well

2 - steady and easy to hear, articulates most words correctly

1 - can’t always hear / sometimes monotone, mumbles, or not clear

Pace / Fluency: (  /3)

3 – smooth and fluent

2 – few hesitations, mostly reads fluently and smoothly, small hesitations are quickly solved.

1 - multiple attempts at some words or phrases, too slow or fast, choppy

How To Submit A Recording:

  • On a smart phone or tablet, use a video or voice recorder. Email or upload the recording.
  • Record using a camera with video capabilities. Upload to your computer; then submit.
  • Phone or email and arrange to meet with your teacher to present your poetry reading.