Third Assignment: Your Novel Study Reading Plan

Create a Reading Plan


Once you have chosen your book, you need to create a Reading Plan:

  1. Divide your book into FOUR sections (look at the chapters and ensure that the sections are approximately the same size.
  2. Your Reading Plan should include the following:
    • Your Full Name, Your book title, and Author, and a picture of the front cover.
    • Total Page Numbers in your book
    • Book Sections: 4 Sections by page number AND chapter.
    • Date you want to start and Date you want to finish.  Try to plan with realistic expectations.
    • Dates you want each section completed, and the number of pages you need to read each day.

Below is an example of a Reading Plan.

Independent Novel Study Reading Plan

Basic Info
My Name: John Smith 
Book: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
Total Pages: 370

Picture of front cover

Section 1: Ch 1-7; pages 1-91
Section 2: Ch 8-15; pages 93-178
Section 3: Ch 15-21; pages 179 - 284
Section 4: Ch 22 - 27; pages 285 - 370

Reading Plan Feb. 5, 2018 - June 1, 2018
Section 1: Due March 5; 46 pages per day
Section 2: Due April 5; 43 pages per day
Section 3: Due May 1; 53 pages per day
Section 4: Due May 25; 43 pages per day


Click on the ASSIGNMENT: Reading Plan link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your Reading Plan to your teacher. This is a completion activity meaning that you will receive 5 marks for completing the plan correctly and completely.

This is where you will upload the Reading Plan you have created.

  1. Click Add submission.
  2. Copy/Paste OR type your plan into the Online text editing box.
  3. Click Save changes.