Reading Project Unit 2 Dropbox

Submit your project project here. You can scan or take a picture of it.

Review the criteria for the  ONE project you chose:

1. Letter

Organization: Your letter or email  should include a greeting, 2-3 paragraphs and a closing.

Content: Explain briefly why you are writing, include two specific examples (direct quote or description) from your choice. Share something about yourself.

Conventions: Use proper punctuation and sentences.

2. Creation Myth

Content: Is original and creative, not a regurgitation of a myth that already exists. Includes evidence of the connection to your city. Be sure to include a title.

Organization: 1 page typed, double-spaced. Is an organized piece of writing, does not jump around.

Conventions: Proper punctuation and sentences.

3. Photo Album

Content: 5 quotes in a creative presentation and 5 paragraphs.

Organization: Paragraph needs topic sentence, 2-3 supporting sentences and conclusion. Quotes are creatively formatted as an original creation. IE Can't just cut and paste from the internet. Quote should include author if known, otherwise write: author unknown.

Conventions: Proper punctuation and sentences.