Product User Manual Draft Dropbox

Submit the first draft of your Product User Manual here.

Your User Manual should include:

  • A brief summary statement about the product. This should be a paragraph or two in length.

  • Detailed written explanations of the product's parts and features. These explanations are to focus on what the product looks like and does--not how it does it.

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to use the product.

Your teacher will look for these things when he or she reads your first draft.

Your product user manual:

  • contains information for each of the sections described in this lesson (i.e., a brief product summary, description of the products parts and features, and step-by-step operating instructions)

  • is simple and easy to follow

  • would help the user better understand and operate the product

Once your teacher has marked your draft and given feedback, continue on to the revising stage of the writing process.