Where do you Find Hope?
Learning Target(s):
After viewing "Secret Path" consider how you would hold on to hope if Chanie’s experience had happened to you?
- Visually represent four ideas of items that bring you joy and hope.
- Brainstorm two meaningful questions about Chanie's story to accompany your visual representation of joy and hope to add to the class collage.
- Post your anonymous contribution (visuals and questions) to the Padlet collage.
- Submit your response to one of your peer's questions and the text of your question to so your teacher can locate your Padlet contribution.
Source: https://www.downiewenjack.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/14156-DW-Fund-Educator-Guide-C2-WEB-FA2.pdf June 2020
This is where you will upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
You will upload the file containing your assignment.
Name the file with your name and the title. eg. Sally Brown Infographic Response
Click Add submission.
The Online Text box is used for brief comments or to paste your link to a shareable document. If you are using google docs, please select 'get shareable link' and then 'anyone with link can edit' and then 'copy link'. Use the chain icon in the online text box to create a hyperlink. Do not use the online text box to paste your whole assignment.
Or, upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
Click Save changes.