1.2 Assignment - Making it Happen

People who consider themselves successful have strong connections between their career pathway(s) and their personal attributes, interests, work values and lifestyle preferences.

Required:  You have had an opportunity to explore a potential career.  You will now research how you will achieve this career goal by writing a career goal with a plan, using the S.M.A.R.T. method for goal setting.  Follow the numbered steps and present your findings in a logical, accurate and detailed manner.

  1. Specific - Identify the career goal you stored in your portfolio.  Write a specific goal statement.  For example, I choose to explore Journalism as my potential career goal.  Write a brief description of your career choice.
  2. Measurable - Do your goals match your interests?  Identify your interests (status, income, working inside/outside, work to work?  work to live?).  When will you start and finish?  Why is this goal important to you?  Think about each of these questions and respond to each, and add more, provide support.
  3. Attainable/Achievable - Can you make this goal happen?  How are you going to reach your goal?  What are the academic requirements?  Do you have these requirements?  What skills are required?  Do you have these skills?  How much do you want the goal?  Are you motivated to achieve this goal?  Is this goal important to you and why?  Think about each of these questions and respond to each, and add more, and provide support.
  4. Relevant - Is the goal realistic?  Explain.  Can you do it?  Explain. 
  5. Time-bound - When will you start and when will you finish?

Goals help you achieve plans but they must match your skills, motivation and values or they will not happen.

Upload to Assignment - Making It Happen link within this section of the course for grading by your teacher.


You will be graded on the rubric below.



Goal statement and/or strategies support the goals and are specific and measurable.  They are clear, simple, complete and explicit.

4 points

Goal statement and/or strategies are specific and measurable.  The goals are generally clear, simple, complete and explicit.

3 points

Goal statement and/or strategies are not specific and are not measurable.

2 points

Goal statement and/or strategies to support goal are general, incomplete and vague.

1 point

Goal statement and/or strategy is unacceptable.

0 points




Goal has an outcome that is realistic. 

4 points

Goal has an outcome that is reasonable.

3 points

Goal has an outcome that is satisfactory but does not seem reasonable.

2 points

Goal has an outcome that may or may not be achievable and realistic.

1 point

Goal statement and/or strategies to support goal are not achievable or realistic.

0 points



Goal has a clear and realistic timeline for  accomplishment..

4 points

Goal has a reasonably clear and realistic timeline for accomplishment.

3 points

Goal has a vague timeline for accomplishment.

2 points

Goal has no timeline for accomplishment.

1 point

No effort.

0 points




No misspelling or grammatical errors.

4 points

No more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

3 points

Three or four misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

2 points

More than four spelling errors and/or grammatical errors..

1 point

Not acceptable

0 points


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