2.6 Assignment - Prepare Your Resume


  1. Open your resume prepared from previous years and update the information.
  2. Login tobMy Blueprint
  3. Select Resumes in the "Work" section from the navigation menu of your dashboard.
  4. Select box "+Add Resume".
  5. Complete Resume Title (personal information).
  6. Complete all of the sections.

After completing your resume in www.myblueprint.ca, also submit a copy to your teacher within the course.


  1. Use the "Assignment - Prepare a Resume" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
  2. Send a message to your instructor that you have also completed your resume using myBlueprint.

Your work will be marked using the rubric below.







The resume includes all of the required areas in an appropriate order: Objective, Education, Work experience, Volunteer experience, Skills etc.  A great amount of detail is provided

The resume includes all of the required elements, but they are not in the correct order. Sufficient detail is provided.

The resume does not include all of the required elements and is not in the correct order.  There is a lack of detail.

Not acceptable


More than three skills are listed and described with a one-line action statement explaining the skills and when it has been used in the past.

Only two skills are listed and/or the skills listed do not include descriptive action statements.

Fewer than two skills are listed or no action statements are included.

Not acceptable


The resume is typed, well organized, and moves the reader’s eye easily down the page.  Each section has a clear heading and the action word statements are bulleted.

The resume is typed and contains headings and action word statements, but needs some organization.  It does not allow the reader's eye to flow down the page easily.

No organization is apparent.  The resume is difficult to read, does not contain bullets, and has no section headings.

Not acceptable

Action Statements 

Action statements are used throughout the resume.  They are clearly written to describe the activity.

Action statements are used 90-99% of the time.  They are clearly written to describe the activity.

Action statements are used less than 90% of the time.

Not acceptable


There are no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

There are few errors in grammar or spelling.

There are many errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Not acceptable

Upload your assignment here.