2.6 Assignment - Cover Letter


  1. Find a job for which you wish to apply or a post-secondary study program you wish to attend.
  2. Write a cover letter that fits the job or program.


  1. Use the Assignment - Cover Letter link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
  2. Upload a copy of the job/program for which you are applying.

The Canadian Federal Government has excellent work experience programs. The link is provided below.


Work will be assessed based on the rubric below.

Cover Letter Content

All sections covered in detail Extra information given to enhance the cover letter
4 points

All sections covered in some detail Extra information given to enhance the cover letter
3 points

All sections covered in little detail Minimal extra information given to enhance the cover letter
2 points

Missing one or more of the sections. No extra information given to enhance the cover letter
1 point

Not acceptable
0 points

Format of Cover Letter

Creates a highly effective layout and design
4 points

Creates a considerably effective layout and design.
3 points

Creates a somewhat effective layout and design.
2 points

Creates a layout and design that is limited in its effectiveness
1 point

No effort in layout

0 points


No misspelling or grammatical errors.

4 points

Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors

3 points

Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors

2 points

More than 4 errors in spelling or grammar

1 point

Not acceptable

0 points

Submit here.