4.2 Activity - Groundwork for Capstone Project

Note:  With the exception of this activity, your portfolio is part of the presentation and the final assessment of it will be done then.


  1. Login to www.myBlueprint.ca
  2. Select Portfolios from the Home tab
  3. Click +Add Portfolio to add a new portfolio titled "Capstone Project". 
  4. Provide a picture, title and banner picture for your Capstone Project Portfolio.


  5. Share your portfolio with your teacher.  The symbol for sharing your portfolio is   and it is found on the top right corner of your portfolio.  Click the symbol and include your teacher's email address and click send.
  6. Send an online text to your teacher that you have sent them your portfolio.  The online text is necessary to activate the mark.

Work will be assessed based on the following rubric.  NOTE:  Since this is the foundation of the project, the appearance criteria must be at the 4 point level. If it is not the work will have to be redone until the portfolio meets this requirement.



 Portfolio conveys an appealing/creative format.  Excelled in completing all aspects of the portfolio.  (avatar, title, banner picture)

  4 points


 Portfolio conveys an appealing/creative format, however there are minor omissions, which must be fixed.

  3 points

Portfolio conveys a satisfactory appeal/creative format with omissions and must be resubmitted.

 2 points

Portfolio conveys a minimal effort in appeal/creative format with several omissions and must be resubmitted.

 1 point

 Portfolio does not convey an appealing/creative format and must be fixed.


 0 points


 No errors found.

 4 points

Less than 2 errors found.

3 points

 2 - 4 errors found.

2 points

More than 4 errors found.

1 point



 0 points

Send a message to your teacher that the work is complete so a grade may be assigned for this activity.  NOTE:  If the appearance criteria is not 4/4, the work must be redone until the portfolio meets the requirements asked.