7.6 Web Site Evaluation

Choose one organization from a list below. Then use Google to find the organization’s Web site. After closely examining the site, respond to the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. From the list you have been provided, which organization did you choose? Why did you select this particular organization? What drew you to it?
  2. Based on a close examination of the Web site, what does this organization do, specifically, to encourage children’s development and well-being?
  3. Is this organization invested in children’s physical, cognitive, or social development? How so?
  4. What are a few strengths of the artistic layout of the site? What are a few weaknesses of the artistic layout? Is the site easy to navigate, or difficult? How so?
  5. In your future, do you think you might ever use this site as a source of developmental psychology information? Why, or why not?

Graded out of 20

Adapted from: http://oer.galileo.usg.edu/psychology-textbooks
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