3.9 Big Idea Reflection #2

 Learning Target(s):

  • Construct meaningful personal connections between self, text, and world.      
  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understandings and extend thinking.

English 11 is designed around a set of big ideas.  These are meant to guide our thinking as we explore the concepts that are presented to us across the course.  Below, you will find one of these big ideas.  In a multi-paragraph journal, explain your understanding (or interpretation) of this big idea.  Consider the things you’ve discovered in this course so far - the texts you’ve read, the ideas you’ve developed.  But also consider your experiences outside of this course - how might they impact your understanding of this big idea?  In other words, what does it mean to you? Why does it matter?

The Big Idea:  Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.

Proficiency Scale Information:

  • To show Developing Understanding - write 200-300 words.  Information can be mostly personal opinion but remain on topic

  • To show Proficient Understanding - write at 300-600 words.  Information is on topic, and begins to bring in experience with the course as well as personal opinions

  • To show Extending Understanding - write 600-800 words, in multi-paragraph form and demonstrate the traits from exemplary section of the assessment rubric below. 

    Max Grade/6 0-2 3 4-5 6
    Understanding Emerging Developing Proficient Extending
    Proficiency Scale The student demonstrates an initial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. The student demonstrates a complete understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. The student demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.

Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.   

Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6):  Develops a rich understanding and makes meaningful personal connections between self and the big idea.  Elaborates and explains these connections in depth, providing examples. Ideas and viewpoints are personal, but also consider the perspectives of others.  

Written Expression:  Exemplary (6/6):  Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen.  Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.  Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections with logical organization. Responses are skillfully organized, edited and easy to read.

Estimated Allotted Time: 40 min



This is where you will upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.

You will upload the file (.docx, .pdf, .png, .ppt, etc.) containing your assignment.  

Name the file with your name and the title.  eg. First name Last name Big Idea Reflection 2

    • Click Add submission.
    • Upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
    • Click Save changes.

OR provide the shareable link from your google drive in the online text box.