2.6 Visual Presentation Skills
For this task, you’ll create a slide presentation that promotes understanding of the Indigenous roots and the present-day Indigenous connections available to visitors to your town. In other words, it will answer the question, “What are the Indigenous roots and Indigenous points of interest in my town?” Your target audience would be someone who is a visitor to your town.
To find out the indigenous connection to the land you live on, you can go to https://native-land.ca/. You can do a search with your town name and use the interactive map to touch the specific region of your town where you live. It will provide you with the name and websites of the Indigenous Nations for that area. Find out the original name of the land, the name of the band, their language, history, important sites, places to visit today, etc.
Here is a tool to help determine what traditional territory you live on: Map of British Columbia First Nations.
You’ll use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or another similar presentation software. (Please avoid using Prezi for this task because it cannot effectively accomplish some of the techniques that are covered in the
Your presentation may be larger to allow you to elaborate on your points, but it must contain these five elements below. For example, you may decide to create a layout similar to this:
- Title Slide
- Hook Slide
- Body Slide (first main point)
- Interesting Quote
- Body Slide (second main point)
- Elaboration/Details on Body Slide
- Body Slide (third main point)
- Concluding Slide
- Works Cited Page
You should demonstrate an understanding of the points covered in the video as well as those covered in the course up to this point. For example, if you use information from a local webpage, be sure to include a citation. This will be an exercise in finding the balance between information and aesthetics. If we focus too much on aesthetics, then the information is lost. However, if we have a large block of information in tiny font--it loses its visual aesthetic that keeps the viewer's interest.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Targets: Exemplary (6/6): Creates an exemplary presentation that includes all elements of the task and then expands on them. A variety of communication strategies are successfully implemented and the visual component enhances the overall message. Exemplary use of color, design, and space to communicate a visual representation of the information with appropriate citations. Canadian writing conventions are nearly perfect, without any distracting errors.
Ideas/Content: Exemplary (6/6): Final product demonstrates a thorough understanding of the selected topic and makes authentic and relevant connections to community. Ideas are fully developed. Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, and maturity and sophistication.
Estimated Allotted Time: 1 hour
Submission: "2.6 My Town"
This is where you will upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
You will upload the file (.docx, .pdf, .png or .ppt) containing your assignment.
Name the file with your name and the title. eg. Sally Brown Visual Presentation
- Click Add submission
- Upload the file containing your assignment under File submission
- Click Save changes.
OR provide the shareable link from your Google drive in the online text box.