2.8 PROJECT: Goals in My Community
Your task is to choose ONE of the UN's goals and create a presentation that explores how your chosen goal connects to your community. In other words, how is it dealt with or not dealt with in your community? You may choose to look at your town, province, or country. There are many links throughout the UN site to help you learn more about each goal. Be sure to choose one that is applicable to your situation. You most likely will not find the goal being DIRECTLY dealt with, but more so INDIRECTLY. For example, if you chose the clean water and sanitation goal, you may look into the age and quality of your water and how your community ensures to keep it safe and up to date. Or perhaps you would like to look at affordable and clean energy to see how your community addresses clean energy.
The final product will be a polished presentation that includes a visual component, an audio component, and properly formatted works cited list. You will use the skills that we’ve developed in this course to accomplish the task. You’ll use your spoken word skills to deliver a well-crafted and well-performed speech on your chosen topic; you’ll use your visual design skills to develop an engaging visual aid to support your spoken word, and you’ll use your research skills to gather information from valid sources and give credit where credit is due.
For this project you will choose ONE of the options from the list below. This assignment gives options according to the proficiency scale. Each option allows you to display your understanding at different levels. Students should strive to reach "Proficient and Extending" in all topics. However, students should be able to display their knowledge at whatever level they can achieve. Make sure you are showing your highest level of understanding. Be aware that displaying a Developing Understanding will result in a maximum of 3 out of 6, and a Proficient Understanding will result in a maximum of 4 or 5 out of 6. For the opportunity to achieve a 6 out of 6 students need to follow the requirements of the Extending Understanding option. Please choose the option that allows you to best display your understanding of the content.
Proficiency Scale Information:
To show Developing Understanding (max 3 out of 6 marks) - Create a 1-3 minute presentation that uses visual, textual, and spoken components to clearly communicate your message. Research includes the UN website as well as personal experiences/opinions. Presentation slides should include in-text citations and the final slide should be your works cited list. Visual components should be engaging and should support your information (not just decoration). Your voice should be clearly heard and the spoken component should be well-rehearsed and polished. Spoken elements support the slide information by adding elements rather than reading off the slides.
To show Proficient Understanding (max 4-5 out of 6 marks) - Create a 2-4 minute presentation that uses visual, textual, and spoken components to clearly communicate your message. Demonstrate thorough research with at least 1 source in addition to the UN website. Presentation slides should include in-text citations and the final slide should be your works cited list. Visual components should be engaging and should support your information (not just decoration). Your voice should be clearly heard and the spoken component should be well-rehearsed and polished with a formal tone. Spoken elements support the slide information by adding elements rather than reading off the slides.
To show Extending Understanding (max 6 out of 6 marks) - Create a 3-5 minute presentation that uses visual, textual, and spoken components to clearly communicate your message. Demonstrate thorough research with at least 3 sources in addition to the UN website. Presentation slides should include in-text citations and the final slide should be your works cited list. Visual components should be engaging and should support your information (not just decoration). Your voice should be clearly heard and the spoken component should be well-rehearsed and polished with a formal tone. Spoken elements support the slide information by adding elements rather than reading off the slides.
Max Grade/6 0-2 3 4-5 6 Understanding Emerging Developing Proficient Extending Proficiency Scale The student demonstrates an initial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. The student demonstrates a complete understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. The student demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.
You may accomplish this task in a number of different ways:
Record your presentation using a screencasting software such as Adobe Spark or Screencastify (a Chrome Extension). You may choose to include just your voice and the screen or to use your webcam to include your facial expressions for a more engaging product.
Record your presentation using a video camera in a style similar to a TED Talk, where the speaker is fully visible and the visual aid is shown when the slides change or when it is applicable.
You may do this ANY way you like, as long as your voice can be clearly heard and the visual aid is present.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target(s) - Exemplary (6/6): Final product demonstrates a thorough understanding of the selected topic and makes authentic and relevant connections to community and to the UN goal. Explains ideas fully with depth and maturity, considering multiple perspectives and recognizing the significance of the selected topic. Seamlessly uses in-text citations and includes a works cited list.
Ideas/Content - Exemplary (6/6): Exemplary development of ideas. Content is clear, concise and true. Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.
Oral Presentation - Exemplary (6/6): Final product is of professional quality and demonstrates great attention to detail in its delivery. Spoken word can be clearly heard without distraction and is delivered with appropriate passion and inflection to support the overall message. Presentation is delivered in an interesting, natural, and informative manner.
Visual Presentation - Exemplary (6/6): Creates an exemplary presentation that includes all elements of the task. A variety of communication strategies are successfully implemented and the visual component enhances the overall message. Exemplary use of color, design, and space to communicate a visual representation of the information. Canadian writing conventions are nearly perfect, without any distracting errors.
Estimated Allotted Time: 2-4 hours
Submission:"2.8 PROJECT: Goals in My Community"
This is where you will upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
You will upload the file (.docx, .pdf, .png, .ppt, etc.) containing your assignment.
Name the file with your name and the title. (eg. Sally Brown Goals in my Community)
- Click Add submission.
- Upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
- Click Save changes.
OR provide the shareable link from your Google drive in the online text box.