4.2 Point of View

This assignment asks you to discuss how Ian Keteku’s point of view is conveyed through language and performance techniques in his animated video "Right Side Up".  How does Keteku communicate his perspective?  How is his identity conveyed in language and performance techniques, remembering that the way we present our information is tied to our identity?

Ian Keteku, "born as Ian Nana Yaw Adu Budu Keteku, his birth name mimics his diverse talents and interests. Raised in Canada and of Ghanaian heritage, Keteku earned the title of World Slam Poetry champion in France in the summer of 2010" (wiki).  He is known for experimenting with the slam poetry form. His latest album pairs spoken word with electronic melodies, a sound he calls "poetronica." His 2011 animated video Right Side Up falls into a different category; with backing vocals from Chloe Perrault and Gabrielle Giguere, it's something of an adult nursery rhyme about seeing things from a different perspective. 



Write a personal response paragraph of approximately 250 words that discusses Keteku‘s main idea in his poetronica poem “Right Side Up”.   Discuss how the speaker's perspective and identity are communicated through language and performance techniques.

Use the following guiding questions to help brainstorm notes for your paragraph response.

Identity and Message

  • What is the main idea or message of the performance?
  • What is Keteku’s perspective or point of view?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What does this performance reveal about Keteku’s personal, social, and/or cultural identity?

Rhetorical Strategies

  • What rhetorical strategies does the speaker use to convey his message more effectively?
  • What is the developmental structure?


  • What language does the speaker/storyteller use?

Performance Techniques

  • What voice techniques does the speaker use to convey the message?
  • What performance techniques does the speaker use?
  • How do the visual components contribute to the perspective in the video?
  • How does the music contribute to the development of Keteku's perspective?
  • How does the creative expression contribute to the development of Keteku's perspective?
  • What was your reaction to the performance?  

Assessment:  Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.  

Learning Target: Exemplary (6/6):  Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective.  Student recognizes rhetorical strategies, language, and voice and performance techniques and how they contribute to meaning.  Student clearly communicates how the speaker's point of view and identity is conveyed through language and performance.

Written Expression:  Exemplary (6/6):  Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen.  Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.  Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections with logical organization.

Estimated Allotted Time: 45 min.

Submission:  "4.2 Point of View" 

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You will upload the file (.docx, .pdf, .png, .ppt, etc.) containing your assignment.  

Name the file with your name and the title.  eg. Sally Brown Point of View

    • Click Add submission.
    • Upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
    • Click Save changes.

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