Assignment - The Law and You

For this assignment, you will be creating a set of three posters which summarize the key points of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, The Employment Standards Act, and Residential Tenancy Agreements. 

Your audience for these posters is grade 11 students. Imagine that they could be hung up in a classroom or counsellor's office. 

Each poster will need to have the following format:

  • on a letter-sized page (8.5 x 11)
  • A title which states the main point made about the topic. 
  • Five key points which support the title. 
  • One image which extends or illustrates the main point being made. 

Take a look at the example poster below which is based on the lesson The Rule of Law which you learned about in the previous unit. 

Notice that the title not only states the topic but makes a statement about it. You should also see that the five main points are succinct, clear and laid-out well. 

The image is of Lady Justice which carries familiar symbolism. Her scales show her weighing the evidence of both sides. Her sword shows authority: justice can be swift and final. The blindfold shows that she is impartial and that her judgment is not clouded by emotions. This is not an image which is merely decorative, or which simply repeats what is said in words. It extends the meaning of the words while reinforcing what is said. 

You should create your posters in a word-processor as three separate files. 

The bulleted points will come from the readings but should not be copied and pasted but put into your words so that it shows your understanding. Be sure that you can explain each point. 

You can use images that you find online, can create your own or modify images that you find online. 

This will be marked according to the poster rubric.