Assignment - Food and Agriculture

For this assignment, you will watch a video from TED, then will write a letter to the Canadian Minister for Agriculture in which you outline a three point plan describing what Canada must do in order to address looming issues regarding food and agriculture.

Here is what you need to know about Dr. Jonathan Foley, the speaker in the video:

Dr. Jonathan Foley focusses on the complex relationship between global environmental systems and human civilization, using computer models to analyze changes in land use, ecosystems and resources around the world.A skyrocketing demand for food means that agriculture has become the largest driver of climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental destruction. Jonathan Foley shows why we desperately need to begin "terraculture" -- farming for the whole planet.

Step 1

Take notes as you watch the 18 minute video. You can find the complete transcript by clicking on the link below. 

Other Inconvenient Truth

Step 2

Now that you have watched the video and have taken notes, you will write a letter to the Canadian Minister of Agriculture. At the time that this course was written in 2019, the position was held by the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay. Do a search to find out who currently holds the position as you will need to address your letter to this person. 

You will need to use proper business letter format. If you are unsure of how to do this, refer to the course resource section. 

In your letter's first paragraph, state who you are and why you are writing. Explain that you are taking SS 11 and that you have been learning about issues regarding food and agriculture and that you just watched the Jonathon Foley video. 

In the next three paragraphs, give details about your three point plan, dedicating one paragraph to each point. The points that you make must come from the course materials or from the video that you just watched. 

You will need to hand in your notes from the video as well as a good copy of your letter addressed to the current Minister of Agriculture. 

This will be marked according to the rubric below.