2.2 Assignment

News sources, regardless of their format, assist in keeping the public informed across the country and around the world. On a minute-by-minute basis, news is generated and shared through a variety of media. This includes information about Canada’s Parliament and the decisions made there.

This assignment uses newspapers and online news to help you to understand the Canadian parliamentary system and the challenges parliamentarians face daily.

Part 1.

Open a word processor or pull out a piece of paper in order to answer the questions below in one or two sentences each. Title this "News Questions."

  1. How often do you read the news?
  2. What are some of your favourite news sources?
  3. How often do you read print news?
  4. What are some of the differences between online news sources and print news?

Part 2.

Read this link regarding online news

Online News

Read this link regarding print news

Print News

Part 3

Using the worksheet below, read the news from the past few days and record the number of times that news stories refer to the terms that you have learned in this unit. 

Politics in the news


News Questions - 4 marks

Politics in the news worksheet - 21 marks

Total - 25 marks