3.2 Assignment

You have now skimmed through the archive packages for four different periods of Chinese history in BC and have chosen one to look at in-depth. 

You have been thinking about causes and consequences, particularly broader underlying causes and unintended consequences. 

To get started on this assignment, open this worksheet, which you will fill in as you go through the archives. Begin by summarizing this period in point form, giving evidence for your conclusions from material in the archives. 

You will then need to infer what caused many Chinese to leave China to come to BC. You will include some immediate causes, but should look beyond these to also include broader causes. 

You will also have to infer what the consequences of this were.  Start with the intended consequences, then move on to the unintended. 

Once you have filled in these parts of the worksheet, you will have to create a graphic organizer to show the relationship between the causes and consequences. If you are not already familiar with mindmapping, then you can look at the website Mindmapping.com to get an idea. 

Most likely, you will need to do some research beyond the archive package. If you do, make sure to cite all of the sources that you used.

The last step is to prepare a report on the major causes and consequences of Chinese Immigration to BC during your time period. You may choose to do this as as a traditional report or as a slideshow. Either form must contain the following:

  • title page or title slide
  • headings for each section
  • introduction or summary
  • section on at least three causes and consequences
  • clear support for your ideas
  • conclusion
  • graphics such as photos (may be from archive package) with captions

The Assessing Causes worksheet will be marked out of 12, with three marks assigned for each page based on thoroughly identifying causes, consequences and connections between them. 

The report or presentation will be marked out of 16 according to the report or presentation rubric 

Total marks = 28