3.3 Assignment
For this assignment, you will be writing paragraphs in which you represent the point of view of three different characters.
Describe how each person likely saw the issue of segregation and the protests that led to its demise. After each paragraph, cite the information that you used from the documents to arrive at your inferences about this person's perspective.
Choose any three of the following:
- A Chinese-Canadian student in a segregated class in 1922
- A Victoria School Board official in 1922
- A Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association member who is also a parent involved in the protest
- A member of the Victoria Trades and Labour Council
- A lawyer who helped the protesters
- A Victoria school teacher in a school in the midst of having Chinese students removed
Remember that you must not resort to stereotypes or to assume that people in the past thought or acted in a certain way
You will be marked according to the rubric below.