Fake News
ASSIGNMENT 1.4: Fake News
Recently we saw a rise in Fake News and Bias news in elections. What the video below to understand the topic further.
Think of a story that you have heard of recently. It could be a politician's latest sound bite, news on a certain pipeline, a controversial pandemic response or anything else that you have heard or seen that may interest you. Try to stick with national or international stories that you believe are true. Find an article describing the story online. This will be your initial source.
Now, find reports of your story from different sources. Try to get outside of your regular bubble of information and get the story from two more sources that you wouldn't ordinarily access, perhaps with different objectives or purposes. You might try using "AllSides". See below. You will need to provide links to all three of your stories. Use the worksheet below.
Assignment 4 - Fake News or Bias (.PDF)
Assignment 4 - Fake News or Bias (.DOCX)
AllSides is an American website with a stated goal to strengthen the country's democracy with "balanced news, diverse perspectives, and real conversation." It does this by presenting news coverage from websites on all sides of the political spectrum in such a way so that an individual can compare and contrast very different accounts of the same event. Watch
NOTE: AllSides is constantly updated to reflect major news events so you will not see the topics shown in this image when you access the site.
STEP 1: Go to AllSides. On the main page you will see current news events presented in the same manner shown in the image below.
STEP 2: Click on the news event that you want to examine. You'll be taken to a page that will present links to three different news articles about the event you've selected. Click "Read Full Story" to read each of the three articles in full.
STEP 3: Complete the worksheet and submit it.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6): Student can effectively evaluate their chosen sources for relevancy, accuracy, and reliability. Response takes a critical look at the sources and demonstrates a thorough understanding of their content and has thoroughly considered the author's perspective. Any bias, contradictions, distortions, or omissions are identified and explained in detail.
Reflection and Insight: Exemplary (6/6): Complex connections and original ideas are included in a thoughtful response that includes specific examples of the student's learning process and understanding of the source material. Reflection is thorough and insightful and shows maturity in their written expression.
Use the "1.4 Fake News" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
Estimated Allotted Time: 30 min