5.13 Writing Your Script

Your Turn!

Revise your script. When you think you are done, slowly read it out loud to make sure it makes sense. Check if you have all the elements:

1. Address your specific target audience (Dear Parents, Kids!)

2. Have a hook sentence that draws your audience in. It can be a question, a short story, scenario, or interesting statement

3. State your position (You need to buy this awesome cereal because...then include its special properties.)

4. Use persuasive languageĀ  and techniques to sell your cereal

  • Remember vivid verbs and active adjectives
  • Have convincing reasons for people to buy your cereal
  • Share the benefits for your audience

5. Tie in the book to your cereal, explain the connection, and/or use a quote from the book

6. Highlight the prize in the box

7. Conclude by restating your position