Independent Novel Study

Independent Novel Study

The purpose of an individual novel study is to read a novel that you are interested in for the purpose of study. Though you should enjoy reading this novel, your goal here is to get something more out of it than if you were just reading for pleasure. Ideally, you should push your reading abilities by studying a novel with a focus.

This is a good time to read a novel that you had been planning to get to sometime.  You might look at classic literature or award-winning fiction.  You might want to explore a genre, such as science-fiction, mystery, fantasy, or historical fiction, that you have been wanting to learn more about.

Above all, you should choose a novel that is new to you in some way and at or slightly above your reading level.  This isn't the time for re-reading a favourite or whipping through something easy. 

You will need to discuss your choice with your teacher.  Since this is individual, don't expect your teacher to have read the novel.  However, you may decide to read a novel that your teacher has read before.  Ask for suggestions.

Here is a list of Suggested Titles for English 11

Getting a novel

Start by asking at your school for copies of the novels.  Otherwise, head to your local public library or thrift store once you have an idea of what you are looking for.

If you would like to read a classic and have a tablet or e-reader, you could look at Project Gutenberg which has over 45,000 books in the public domain. It is a good place to find classics by authors such as Mark Twain, Jane Austen, and Charles Dickens. 

Some other excellent sources are CBC Books 108 Indigenous Writers or Canada Reads past winners.