Unit 3 Project Choices - Biography


This is a VERY challenging option for which you need access to technology and perhaps to a "techy" home facilitator. Your video would include your report (either spoken and recorded, on the screen to read, or both), pictures (or you dressed up in costume), and end with your bibliography floating across the screen - maybe or maybe not followed by your own credits (directed by, assisted by).

NOTE: Never post videos on Youtube without parent consent. If together you decide to post something for school, don't give away your personal information in credits or beginning screens. Also, if you set the privacy to "unlisted", you can send the teacher the link but your video won't show up when random people search for a topic. NEVER post videos with personal information and never do this without parent consent. You could also use a dropbox to share video with your teacher or, if you live near the school, take your laptop or tablet and show it to your teacher yourself.