Unit Overview


In this unit, you will read, view, listen to, and create non-fiction text to:

  • Learn to zoom in on text features, to question and infer, to determine importance, to connect, and to transform and synthesize.
  • Learn to identify nonfiction text structures, and how to develop your own writing in a variety of structures.
  • Write a compare and contrast essay, create a timeline, and practice writing directions.

You will also dig deeply into social responsibility. What does this mean? 

Social responsibility covers many topics, from contributing to community and caring for the environment, to solving problems peacefully, valuing diversity by respecting rights, empathizing, and appreciating perspectives that differ from your own, and building relationships. These are HUGE topics and too much to cover in a single unit and subject, so: 

This unit will zoom in on the two areas - contributing to community and caring for the environment.