4.3 Writer's Workshop - Spoken Word Poem and Critical Thinking Essay

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Writer's Notebook 4: Reading, Writing, and Presenting Spoken Word Poems

Writer's Notebook 4 Continued - Practicing and Presenting Your Spoken Word


Or should this say "Practice"? 

Over the next few days, while you work on your Writer's Workshop to complete your five paragraph essay, you can also practise performing your spoken word poem. To complete this unit, a recording of this poem will need to be submitted. You can choose whether or not to memorize this. You may wish, instead, to write it in LARGE print on LARGE paper (or paper from your recycling bin taped together to make chart-size paper). Then, you can post it at eye level on a wall and read it when you need to. 

Work on:

  • Voice
    • Exceptional expression and fluency
    • Carefully placed pauses
    • Pacing
    • Being clear and easy to understand
  • Body
    • Facial expression
    • Gestures 
    • Body language
  • Audience
    • Strong eye contact 
    • Appear to be engaged in your own poem from beginning to end. 

Practicing a few times a day for a few days will make a big difference. You can practice on your own in front of a mirror, in front of your home facilitator, and in front of friends and family until you are ready to make a video recording. 

You can record it using a smart phone or talk to your teacher about how you can best present it if you can't do a video. 

For now, this lesson and poem are completed. Congratulations! 

You Are A Writer

Do you have someone you can share your poem with now?

Please submit your Unit 4 Writer's Notebook. You will still be able to practice your spoken word poem as you have a copy on your computer.