Read: About Your Writer's Notebook

Information on completing a writer's notebook

Where Do I Write My Entries?

At the beginning of each writer's workshop there will be a template to download.

You can simply complete the word document, save and submit for each unit.

However, to act like a "real writer" you may want to make your writer's notebook personal and use as a tool that works for you.

Ideally you would have a collection of ideas and tips that you could use all the time. Here are some options:

  1. Hand write in a notebook or journal or binder. (Although, you will have to deliver it to your teacher in person then or take good pictures and submit.)
  2. Use a Google document or other online tool (Evernote, Weebly,  etc. and share the link with your teacher when submitting it). 
  3. Create a word document and keep adding to it each time and submit your latest version at the end of each unit. 

Note: This is a private resource that only your teacher will see.