Final Exam

Unique Learner Profile

You will be writing a reflective essay/composition in which you will address a number of questions about ONE of the major pieces of work you have handed in for marking in this course. The piece you choose needs to be one that, in your opinion, best represents and reflects your ability and growth as an English Language Arts student, communicator, and writer. It needs to be a piece of work that makes you proud.  You will provide your teacher with

  • a copy of your work OR
  • a link (URL) to it, if you created it online.


  1. Review the goals you established in the very first assignment of the course (A Starting Point:  Self Reflection).  Discuss your journey. 
  2. Did you meet your initial goals?
  3. Discuss your learning in each of the units – creative/critical thinking; communication; personal/social responsibility; personal/cultural identity.   Was there one that stood out more for you? 
  4. Reflect on ways the ideas in this course deepened your understanding about your own identity, strengths, abilities and that connection to others and the world.
  5. What, if anything, were you surprised to learn about your written communication in the course?

PART B:  Now answer the following prompts with your gut instinct…

I made a connection to…

And this is important to me because…

This went well because…

This has taught me…

This didn’t work because…

Next time I will…

A question I still have is…

Assessment:  Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the final exam:

Ideas and Content: (Exemplary 6/6)  Exemplary understanding of the task.  Responses to the prompts are fully developed and include specific references to one assignment.  Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.

Organization and Supporting Details: (Exemplary 6/6)  Structure is logical and the writing as a whole may appear effortless.  Supporting details are specific and clearly contribute to the central idea and make insightful connections.

Conventions: (Exemplary 6/6) Work has been proofread and there are almost no errors in basic punctuation, capitalization and spelling.  Vocabulary and sentence structure are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen.

Reflection and Insight: (Exemplary 6/6)  Complex connections and original ideas are included in a thoughtful response that includes specific examples of the student's learning process and growth.

Note:   If it is developed thoughtfully and with real engagement, it should be a perfect score.  So, take your time and really think about your growth as a writer.


Use the "Self-Assessment Assignment" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.

Last modified: Sunday, 2 August 2020, 7:22 AM