Analyzing Health Claims

Search out two companies that provide health claims with their products and evaluate whether you feel they are valid and backed by evidence, exaggerated, or simply untrue.

(These could be food companies, supplement companies, exercise equipment etc...)

Create a presentation (Prezi, powerpoint, webpage, video, brochure, or word document) that will include

  • The name of the product and the company that makes the product.
  • An image of the product
  • The health claim(s) the company is making about the product.
  • Whether you believe the health claim to be
    • A. true
    • B. exaggerated (but still within the realm of reasonableness)
    • C. false
  • Provide a rationale for how you came to your conclusion.
      • Is there research to back up the claim?
      • Is the research independent? (Or has it been paid for by the company)
      • Does the research match the health claim?Do they overinflate the potential effects?
        • Think of how the Cold-FX research seemed to show that prolonged use of the product helped, yet the advertising said to use at the first sign of a cold.
      • Has Health Canada supported them or asked them to change some of their claims?