Lab: A Guest Is Coming for Dinner
For this assignment, you will be inviting guests to come to your home for dinner. Ideally, invite friends or relatives over and make this an authentic and enjoyable event. If this is not possible, then provide a dinner party feast where your immediate family members are your guests.
The following needs to be completed and submitted as part of this lab.
A) Plan your meal. Use the information in this unit to create a four-course meal (you can have more courses if you like, but at least four are needed). The recipe choices should be ones that are challenging and that you never prepared before. You want to create meals that would impress your guests. You must include protein, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits into your menu.
B) Create a menu. Print or write out a copy of your menu to provide to your guests. You also need to submit a copy for this lab. Your menu should have the food items listed in the correct order, be creatively described, and illustrate a level of difficulty in making.
C) Set the table. Select your best dishes and include garnishes. Get out all the fixings to create an attractive and proper table setting.
Please download this document and fill it in as you do your lab. You will need to complete three sections for your lab sheet.
1. For this lab, you will choose at least four recipes. Fill in as many lab sheets as needed with your ingredients, equipment, and procedures from all your chosen recipes. Then you will gather everything that you need and make your food products.
2. You need to take pictures to illustrate your process for all your recipes. Take a minimum of six pictures for each of the recipes you prepare. Then take a photo of your table setting with food. If you have four recipes, this means 24 images plus your full table setting with food for a total of 25 photos.
- You must be clearly visible, including your face, in at least 4 of the pictures per recipe. You can take selfies or have a friend or family member take photos of you in action.
- You must clearly show the steps you have taken to make the product. Take photos of yourself measuring the ingredients, dicing, sifting, cutting in, folding, rolling, whisking, flipping, etc.
- You must have photos of each of your final products. Take an image of it as a whole. Then have a final presentation image where you plate your product so that it is ready to serve. An example would be taking a photo of your beef Wellington fresh from the oven. Then have a photo with your beef Wellington sliced and placed neatly on a nice platter. You also need a photo of the table set with all the food laid out. You should also have a final presentation photo of a plate with all your food products on it. For example, have a photo with beef Wellington, scalloped potatoes, vegetable medley, and apple-cranberry sauce all on a plate ready to serve a guest.
3. You must fill out an evaluation of your product. This includes an evaluation done by yourself and an adult. Be sure to use descriptive words and discuss the process, the product, expectations, previous experience, and anything else you observed while making this product. Use your five senses in your descriptions. Be detailed and creative with your word choice. Ask the adult who is tasting your food to do the same in their evaluation.
You will also need to do the following:
Upload the following evaluation sheet to evaluate your dinner.
Use the following guest evaluation sheet to have one of your guests evaluate your meal.
Submit your recipes, photos, and evaluation sheets.